Selasa, 24 April 2012

Hello Everybody

Hello everybody! Welcome to our Thinkquest project. Our project is "Is There Any Chance to School For Them?" Happy Reading :)

Let us introduce ourselves

Hello... we are from 49 HighSchool of South Jakarta. We want to introduce ourself. Our team is consists of six person that is Aidina Ayu Fitriani, Dwi Kartika Sari, Faza Nadilla and Kartika Sandra Dewi. Want to know more about us? Check this out!

1. Aidina Ayu Fitriani
Hello! My name is Aidina Ayu Fitriani.My nickname is Aidina. I'm 14 years old. Now, I sat in class 10 Senior High Schhol 49 South Jakarta. My hobby is drawing. My motto is do something what you can do because it was not will recur.

2. Dwi Kartika Sari

Heey guys! My name is Dwi Kartika Sari, you can call me Dwi or Tika. I'm 15 years old. I live in South Jakarta with my family. My daily activity is school, do homework and playing with my friends. My hobby is listening music, watch some dvd and read a knowledge book. Well, I'm in 10th grade senior high school of 49 South Jakarta. My motto is: it's good to you if you're be the integrate people :)

3. Faza Nadilla
Hiya guys :D My name is Faza Nadila but you can call me Faza or even Za for short. Has black eyes and hair, has a big minus eyes(if you wanna know)... I'm 15 years old. My hobby are Drawing (especially manga/anime), listening to music, and read some books or fanfictions... hmm.. there's like nothing I can say anymore... bye :)

4. Kartika Sandra Dewi

Hello i'm Kartika Sandra Dewi, you can call me Sandra. I live in South Jakarta. I'm 15 years old and i was born in Klaten 3rd December 1996. My hobby are drawing, listening music and tell my live story... Hmm i like designed something :)



       Our thanks we present to allah SWT which has provided grace and gifts to us, so we're successfully completed our research, that is “Is There Any Chance to School For Them?” 
       This project is content about research we did about the lives of the poor is getting derailed don't even get to school and the role of the government
        Completed of this research because, there is some help from various parties. therefore, we would to say thank you and give the highest appreciation to: 

1. Allah SWT 
2. Mr. Rukiman Lumban Batu as our head master 
3.Mrs. Ratih Febryanti as our teacher, thanks for your instruction that have been given 
4. all of our friends, thanks for your support 
5. And our family 

       We realized this research is not perfect, therefore, your constructive critic and suggestion is more we expected 

Finally, we're hope this research can be usefull for alll of the reader, thanks


       Education, a word that is familiar yet we we've heard. A word that is meaningful in our lives in the present. Everyone must have been acquainted with what is called education. Education is a pageant to find science in order to create a general, educated, knowledgeable and had educated and shaped the teaching given through means such as education means school. Means of education that would give the education we often find in large cities or towns off the beaten track. First, education is given regardless of the people from various walks of life. Or it can be said that education is common and acceptable by all classes of society. However, at the present time, education was no longer acceptable to all groups in society. No more universal education. Proven, until today there are still many of our brothers and sisters in remote areas even in the big cities that are not getting the education. They are much better off working to earn a living as compared to school like other children. Then, why it could happen in our country, a country that is educated? What cause they couldnt get the education? Who's to blame? And, indeed, still is there any chance to get an education for them?


created by:Faza Nadila

In our opinion, the alleged nowadays childern who are less fortunate is not getting an education due to several factors. Those factors namely :

1. The Goverment
The goverment is concerned at the lack of education to the children who are less able to

2. Themselves
They prefer to work to help their parents compared to get education like school kids at an age now

3. Parents
Most of some children who are less able to have abandoned her parents who can make their child's spirit down to get an education. Or some are due to the parents who are still living unable to finance their children's

created by: Faza Nadilla

Reality About The Indonesian Education Now

     At the age of globalization, education in Indonesia may be totally amazing to the previous. But it is those who are capable in economic. What about those who are not able? Does anybody care about them? What about their opportunity to achieve their ambition? There, all will be explain.

       We deserve to take pride in an excellent education in Indonesia today. But it is only for those who can afford the economic field. For those who can not afford, is it still good then? Now most government attention only to people who are able. Their concern for the poor still lack. Especially in terms of education. In fact there are many people who can not afford not to carry out its obligations as the nation's children to school. We must increase our concern for their. Lest we be successful, while there still are not able to reach their ambition.


       That's the only way to be able to reach the ambition. There may not be a doctor when previously no school. All ambition will be achieved if we had the previous school. Because the school we can determine the aptitudes and interests that we have. That’s it we can determine too my ambition. All about it will explain at school.

       At school children are given not only science but also provided moral values that can create the personality of the child. The school also provides an activity such as extracurricular activities to fill the free time with positive activities and can develop the potential of the child according to talent and interest in each.

       Just imagine when we are not at school. We won't know what our talents, there is in the field of what interests us, and in fact we are also difficult to determine what will be our future. In addition, if the children did not attend school then the left child does not understand about moral education so that the crime could increase the nation's generation.

       Therefore, let us jointly solve this country for the sake of education towards the nation's generation educated and virtuous character of the sublime.

       It all indicates that education for children is very important. An advanced nation, is a nation in which its HUMAN RESOURCES quality.

Senin, 23 April 2012

The Thinkquest Question of International Jurors

1.      What is the problem that you want to solve??

      The problem of education for poor people who are not able to go to school 

 2. Who will get the benefits of the project?

      Children who cannot afford to attend school. because indirectly we have been delivering their   

aspiration to the Government to attend school

 3. What is the unique value of what tthe project’s offered to the public & goverment?
     We can know the shortcomings of government programs based on the opinions of children are unable

 4. a. Does the team includeeffectively solving the problem?  b. How is the team to the test obtained solution?
a.       Yes its effective. for the projects that we the government can make more sensitive with the state    of the poor and the government could try the solutions that we figured out to develop of education for the poor

b.      because the solution that we made based on the research we do directly to children dropping out of school. so the solutions we create become more effective 

5. a. What is the impact of the project for your team? b. What does your team learn by participating in this contest? 
a.       the impact of the project we made for us was we were able to find out that the problem was  not fully pendidikakan the poor government errors but also the fault of the child and his parents own  
b.  cooperation and can be more knowledgeable about the lives of children who dropped out of school


Interview 1

This is an interview with my long distance cousin. He’s name is Hairil Chandra, fifiteen years old who stayed awhile in my home to work in my Father’s workhouse for make clothes in Jakarta

Me         : Hi, Candra! Can I interview you for a bit?

Candra   : Of course

Me         : So, What do you think about the education in Indonesia? Is it nice? Or bad?

Candra   : I don’t know about the education in Indonesia since I never went outside the village, but I think the  education is good enough, the same goes to the facility too. Tough in my school, our teacher is a very not fair person. He always makes his student that close/ have any relatives with to get a good score every exam. And my school is very far away from my house

Me:        : Then, I know you’re not continue your school, so when and why you stop it?

Candra   : I stop to school after sixth grade. And because I don’t bring any file about my passgrade afer sixth grade

Me         : Why? Everyone knows you have to give it if you want to enroll to school. Do you forget such an important things?

Candra   : No... I did it on purpose

Me         : What? You don’t want to school anymore?

Candra   : Yeah, I just want to work. It’s not like the jobs need the multiplication or anything like that in school

Me         : But jobs in Jakarta, at least, you have to have the Junior High School passing license. Do you 
aware of that?

Candra   : I never informed something like that

Me         : And why you choose Jakarta? I mean, there’s another town without you cross your island to have a work

Candra   : The jobs in Jakarta is so much easier like in this home. I just have to do somethings.

Me         : Easy? This home is just a very little piece of work’s world if you ask me. You don’t know anything outside this home. And besides, I don’t see you do so much hardwork like other employee in here. And though I said this, yo still want to work in Jakarta?

Candra   : Yup

Me         : So, the last question, what’s your solution for make the education in Indonesia more better?

Candra   : I think, the government have to more care about poor people especially in remote island. There’s so much people who don’t understand Indonesia language.

Me         : Alright, thank you for your time!

Childrens in Padang, West Sumatra

     Here is a video taken by one of us that is Aidina Ayu when she was visiting to Padang, West Sumatra. In this video recorded the children from the Lubuk Alung village walk hundreds of miles just to go to school. Because the Lubuk Alung village located far inland, so the school in an area of the village there was only one.

Student's Opinion

          Based on the opinion of one of the students of STIS, Putri Wahyu Handayani, she said that education in Indonesia today already we can say good. Education for children not capable of Government there have been several, which proved now existing free school to junior high school level. Now only how the school really living program from government well. So, the real spearhead of an educational policy is the school itself. However , I think it is still necessary for the socialization of the school of night. Because we cannot ultimately coerce street children that are forced to help their parents to work looking for money at school so for those who like it, according to I need to join the school of night.

           For example put it this way, you are the type of people cannot afford. Your dad work but not necessarily every go home carrying food.  You have a young sister who would need food. How big is the desire to attend school, but prefer to help work looking for money, by being a busker, a shoe shine, and others are of course carried out during the day. Well, it seems to me unlikely education can beat the necessities of life for them,, so need to hold night school.

          Indonesia's first ever held a school night, but now it was not found again. Therefore need to rebuilt school nights like that. The opinion that I can pass on. More or less his apologies. Hopefully my aspirations can make the Government can give more attention to the situation of education in Indonesia now.

Minggu, 22 April 2012

Interview 2

Interviewer     :   Previously, we would like to ask first, what all of you are not a school?

Informants      :   Right, we're not school.

Interviewer     :   That we may know why don 't you school ?

Informants      :   Our parents not having money to school charge. We have to work help them.

Interviewer     :   How are you looking for money?

Informants      :   Sometimes we become a busker in traditional markets or on the train.

Interviewer     :   So what you don 't want to school ?

Informants      :   Very want to , but we have to help parents us to seek money. If not , we cannot eat.

Interviewer     :   Isn ' t the government had already made the programs free school ? Why are you not to school?

Informants      :   Free school program is still lacking help us , because we still have to buy equipment other schools , as uniform and writing book. Whereas in order to buy the food of course we have to work a full day.

Interviewer     :   So what hope you guys against the Government?

Informants      :   The Government can provide better education programs and professional for those who really cannot afford to attend school.

Interviewer     :   Thank you for giving a little time. Good luck hope you guys can be addressed by the Government. Good continuing your an activity. Goodbye...

Informants     :   You're welcome. Bye..



    We argue that the right solution to support education for the poor is school. Where children there get science like the other kids. Beside that, it also earned for activities supporting his talent such as sewing, cooking etc. Activity may look simple and plain. However, activities that could produce generations who are well established and knowledgeable and had for the future if they have a great future.
    In addition, needs to be done in the case of children who are not able to directly from the Government. The reason for knowing children the right to get help directly from the Government. Such assistance is already covering the BOS donation, clothing, and other school equipment, or it can be said the children were in no way diberatkan with any demands the completeness of that school. So the kids will have a passion for study and education in schools. but such aid also needs to be confirmed what the cause is? Sometimes the spirit of a child up and down. Therefore, children should be required to study in earnest from government assistance and when their value goes down, they deserve punishment.


       Based on what was described above. We can conclude that the issue of education for the poor error aren't completely by the Government. But also because it is their own fault. Based on our survey many of them are not in the mood to get education caused a few things, which tends to be that they better work. Because the work they can live happily and fulfilled the needs of life science that compared must demand will inevitably take some time I contemplate them.
       Please note also that other factors besides working like lazy grow on themselves due to learning much draining time course to learn to make us a lot more trouble thinking, we need to take the time to read the book so much. For these reasons some children who are less in the first to understand the importance of education for them. Maybe we need to get back to the Government that the Government should embrace more sensitive children who are less fortunate. Not just a dock program “WAJAR 9 Tahun”  but can also develop new programs support education for the poor.


Sabtu, 21 April 2012